Monday, March 19, 2012

Things in D.C

OK, so I just want to tell you a little about the differences between people from DC and St. Louis).
Number One-
   The way they dress. In St.Louis we have people who dress "stylishly". But lets face it, for the most part we dress pretty casual and just try to look cute in whatever we put on. There is no such thing as looking casual or cute in D.C. Have you ever heard of business casual? Well, that's what they wear. It's not fancy exactly...just very designer and put together. I mean, all of the shirts they wear are worth AT LEAST forty bucks, and that is on the very low side.
Number Two-
   I'm sorry to say...they are kind of rude. I know that in all reality, a whole city can't be rude. But there is definitely that feeling. When people bump into you in St.Louis, they say excuse me. I have not heard one person say "excuse me" here, even when I was hit with a cart in Walmart.
Number Three-
   There are a lot of foreigners. this is not a bad thing, just an observation. I'm sorry to say, in my mind, if there are large amounts of foreigners, it's the ghetto. Because that's the way it is in St. Louis, I'm not saying that's the way it should be. but almost every grocery store is for foreigners. you know what I'm talking about, it had cookies with weird name and pickled radish Yataki. There are some of those in St. Louis, but they don't overtake all grocery stores.
Number Four-
   Their Chinese food costs more. I don't know why, it just does and it's annoying.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

The Lindsay Trap

The person I want to talk about is Lindsay Lohan, not me or any other Lindsay/Lyndsey/Lyndsay/Lindzy...(Why are there so many different spellings for one name? What set of parents decided to take the original spelling-whatever that was-and go all haywire on it?) Anyway.
  Nowadays Lohan is thought of as a partying, drugged up, maybe lesbian who is constantly in court both in the United States and out for either (A) shoplifting even though she has money (B) drug possession or (C) not showing up to her court dates/ breaking probation.
     But that isn't where Lohan started out at all. in fact, she started out in The Parent Trap. She was cute and freckled, and that husky voice of hers was actually interesting instead of annoying. 
     Then she was a "teen star", being in movies like 'Freaky Friday", 'The Confessions of a Teen Age Drama Queen" and "Mean Girls" it seemed like things were going good for her. One thing I want to point out is that she was the "Star" in all these movies. Her name was the biggest, she was the main character. 
    And guess who the lesser characters were in these movies? In "Drama Queen" Megan Fox was the "mean girl". At this point Lohan was thought of as the bigger star, Fox just a pretty girl there to fill the spot in the movie. Look at where she is now! She is pretty popular, while Lohan-though known-has been in few movies over the years.  
      In "Mean Girls" Lohan was yet again the main character and "biggest actress". Rachel McAdams and Amanda Seyfried starred with her. Both Rachel and Amanda are big-time stars now, starring in box-office films and making big names for themselves.
      Though Lohan claims that her partying days are over, and she is being offered roles such as the part as Elizabeth Taylor, her addictions have already set her back. Lohan hasn't been in any hit movies for so long that she is still thought of as a teen star, while some of the people she starred with are now known as adult actresses.