Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Library Silence

Here I am, sitting in the library typing away. There is no quiet like a library, people talk and drop thing, keys clicks and books scrape softly as they are pulled off the shelves. But everything is still, there is always the reminder that silence is meant to be here.
  But then you look around, and what do you see? Noise. Hundreds, thousands of books filled with words, thoughts, people's emotions. In the book "Ink Spell" each book whispers it's story. Think of all the whispering here.
  So many people have slaved away at these book, creating stories and letting their imagination take them away. And yet these fictions that are likely pieces of thier own lives are left unread and dormant sitting on the shelf. It's kind of upsetting to know that so many people's work will be left unknown and forgotten.
  On a brighter note, I will now people watch and give you my findings.
  There aren't any yound people here right now. They are all...elderly. Most of them are here after a computer class. Learning how to email and such.
   I can't really mock them for that. I only learned to post pictures on facebook this Christmas. I should probably be in a computer class myself, learning how to do things before they get even more advanced and I'm so lost I have to start mailing letter again.
   Speaking of computers and far is all of this going to go? Once upon a time when knowledge was noticed, people learned something new. Inventions were more than the Snuggie or a new generation iPod. People were surprised, excited, amazed at new thing. Nowdays they come so fast and in such common ways, we no longer have awe at anything invented.
    Cars, comuters, lap tops, mp3 players, one time these things would have been unthinkable, now they are the norm. Looking back at the Jetsons, we see almost everything we have in modern life. Other than the flying cars and living in outer space. We see Skype, 3D, and many other advances once thought to be out of our reach.
     Maybe we'll have flying cars. It would just be like a mini plane...

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

About Writing

       Writing. It's something I have done when I was bored since I was very young. The earliest time I can remember actually writing something that wasn't in crayon or about ballerinas was when I was 9. And even that was just me copying the plot of "The Little House on the Prarie" books I liked so much. Since that age, I have been writing all the time.
         Maybe it's just because I'm at home all the time and have scads of free time considering I'm homeschooled and I'm too lazy to go out and get a job. Maybe once I don't have so much free time I won't want to, or won't be able to, scribble down bits of stories. But I hope I still do.
        Therefore I think for now I am a diarist. I write for pleasure, and I write a lot. Someday I'd like to be an artist. I'd like to spend lots of time alone planning out a novel, getting to know characters I've made up, learning to type really fast so I can actually get something done with these ideas.
         Hopefully this doesn't sound too dark. I wouldn't want anyone to get a picture in their head of me slaving over a computer talking to my made up "imaginary friends". Because I promise you, I never talk to them. And the most "slaving away" on a computer I have ever done was trying to upload pictures while the computer kept crashing.
          I have no idea what I will write about on this blog. I will probably pick out some purpose, and then I will realize I have nothing to say about it. So then it will just  be me rambling on about whatever happens to be interesting to me at the moment.
         So I might tell you about the weather, or how my toes are freezing, or how i have absolutely no idea what to say. Since I love movies I might start giving my opinions on those. I guess we'll see where my mind wonders.