Wednesday, November 23, 2011

How Numb Feet and Wifi are Connected

So right now my foot is very very numb. And what is the reason for that? Well, it could be because I was sitting on it for an hour while I watched about 30 videos on Youtube, but I think I have a better person to blame that myself. Well, really two people.
   My parents.
    Why am I blaming my parents? Well, firstly because it was their choice to move out computer into the basement. The basement is underground(of course...we can't have an above-ground basement, that would be weird) and it is very cold down here. Even in the middle of the summer I would have to wear socks or risk my toes falling off, or at leats turining blue-ish.
     Secondly, they decided to put in tile floors. I am talking the stone(are tiles make of stone? I think it might be fake-stone. I really don;t know). The basement floor was made of concrete before, so you'd think it wouldn't make that much of a difference. But it does. The tiles somehow locked in the cold. Since we are still in the middle of making the basement look like a real room and not a set out of one of those horror movies where basements are used only for storage(storage of old , unwanted clothes, and storage of those annoying dead people who for some reason want to kill you) we have no rugs to keep the floor somewhat warm. And little rug(like a floor mat or even a towel) I try to bring down for my feet to be set on will be confisticated by Jasper, our dog. And when Jasper finds something he wants, he will not give it back without trying to bite your hand off. So I just leave that alone.
    (Note: I believe it is  my mother's fault for driving our dog insane. Do I even need a reason to back that up?)
       All of these computer problems could be solved if we could buy a lap top, or  a rug, or move the computer back up to the room across from mine that now has no use except to store unused Barbies and to fold laundry. There are  however problems with this.
      We cannot buy a laptop or all the rugs we would need to make it warm down here because my parents have to buy other things. Like braces for my sister(her teeth were fine I say. They made her look slightly rabbit-like. A cute rabbit look!!) and a new ignition thing for the car..and many other things. Plus my mom refused to even get a computer until I was in 5th grade. She wants me to be just as technology-challenged as I can possibly be.  So I guess that won't happen anytime soon. I could try to save up to buy a laptop, but I figure a car and college should come it would seriously cut into my nail-polish find. And I have to buy a new bottle of nail polish every time we go to Walmart. So that would be a problem.
     And about moving it up to the old room(which would be SO NICE since it's right across from my room and I could be lazy like I want to and just roll out of bed and get on facebook..... The only problem with that is that our wifi barely works. We have had about 10 charter guys out here and they all say they don;t know what is wrong. It just won;t reach the upstairs. I don;t understand this. I mean, my sister can pick up the wifi from the dude at the top of the hill who has all those Rams flags in his yard. Why can't we get it in our own house?
     I will never understand that.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Hunger Games and Other Movies I Can't Wait For

Alright, so I wasn't going to go on and on about this, but I just watched the trailr and it looks soooo amazing!!! When I first read the books(like 3 years ago) I never really thought they'd make it into a movie. They seem to never make the best books into movies. I don't especially like Josh Hutcherson as Peeta....but it'll have to do I guess! Here is the official "Hunger Games" Trailor!

Speaking of actors(in this case actresses)that I don't like being in movies that I REALLY want to see, there is Kristen Stewart in "Snow White and the Huntsman". Now this movie looks really cool, and I like all the special affects, plus thier are huge ravens and that dude from Thor-Chris Hemsworth. So I guess I will have to get over the whole Kristen Stewart thing. hopefully she'll be very quiet in the movie and I won;t have to see her stupid facial expressions. Maybe she'll die like really early on and just be in a glass box. That would be nice....:P

They haven't said when this movie will be coming out yet, just sometime in the Summer of 2012. Can't wait!!
            Kristen Stewart. Looking dead-ish.                             


Alright, I know there are other movies I want to see.
I can't think of them right now, because these are the two that I'm a bit obsessed about. They both look so amazing!!!

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Coversations About Poptarts and Other Annoying Matters

   I wasn't sure what I was going to write about for a few minutes. My sister is singing REALLY loud upstairs, and that might be ok, but it's a song I hate and she keeps singing the same line over and over trying to sound exactly like the singer(which isn't going to happen by the way...) Needless to say, I was having kind of a hard time concentrating.
   Then I started to think of all the things that annoyed me. It is very easy to write about that because tons of thinks annoy me. Yeah, it might be petty and I might be picky and maybe I am supposed to over-look certain things.... but they still annoy me.

    1st. When you order something from Amazon(or any web site) and you're all like yay! I get this new movie...and when you get it it's VERY apparent that they lied and sent you some very very crappy used DVD with ripped cases and discs so scratched it freezes every 2 seconds, when you were exspecting a nice used DVD that you could actually, ya know, watch. This usually wouldn't be something that annoyed me that much, but it just happened the other day. Yes. I so wanted a dvd that looked liek the above

    2cn. Those workers in clothing stores. I'm not talking about the normal ones who find that hook-thing for you to get shirts off the very top hanger(which is always where the shirt I like the most is for some reason...). I'm talking about the ones who stalk you, making you think they think you are goign to steal something. And even though you ARE NOT going to steal something, you start to feel guilty for no reason. And then they ask you 12 times if you need any help. I want to turn aorund and yell,"Does it look like I need any help!! Get away from me!" I mean, it's ok the first couple of times. But then it's like, ok, listen lady(they are usually women...) I know how to walk around a store and stare at things I don't have the money for, thank you very much.

What they act
like you are doing.(which your not.hopefully.)
      What you would be doing. If they weren't such feaks that is..........................


3rd. Boring text conversations. I am not blaming this on the ppl you are texting. Sometimes there is only so much your fingers can say the your like..... sooooo..... i had a pop tart for breakfast....yay for me...
Not the best topic.....unless you are part of the Pop Tart Fan Club(this is a real thing)