Monday, February 13, 2012

Bella in the Snow

Can you imagine how it would be to see snow for the first time? I can't imagine. I mean, if looking at it still blows me away after living in a place where it's this frikkin cold for 6 months out of the year how would it look to someone who lives in like, Florida? I think they would find it so beautiful.
    That reminds me of Twilight. She(Bella) saw snow for the 1st time and she wasn't impressed with it. That can't be right. I don't think anyone could see snow for the first time and just say, "Oh. It just looks like a cotton ball. Nothing cool about that."
    Come off it Bella!!!!! It's frozen stuff FALLING FROM THE SKY.
Wow!!! More white cottony big deal.

1 comment:

  1. Snow is sort of a bummer. I love the cold weather, but when it snows everything is just so difficult to do, except like snowboards and skiing. Unfortunately, I am awful at both of those things. Ha.
