Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Heart of Gold Book Review

Heart Of Gold by
                           Robin Lee Hatcher
       This book was really hard to get into. it's not that the writing was bad, actually it was pretty good. But there were all these clichés. Such as how the main character , who is overly wordy-because she just so happens to be the "well bred southerner" coming to the "rugged west"-opinionated, and rich, happens to fall in love with the rough, ungenteel man who feels guilty because he never gave enough attention to his sister, nephew etc. etc.
       It's the "timeless story" of Shannon-the main character-coming to the West and learning to be non judgmental and loving, and Matthew Dubois becoming engaged for the sake of his nephew. They of course fall in love with a lot of twists and turn and emotions along the way....
         I'm not saying all these aspects aren't great in a book, it just seemed like there were too many used ideas. I know that every story is repeated in a different way, but in "Heart of gold" it seemed that the character personalities had been worn out in too many different books, the concept, the morals, the actual story line.... it was all so used.
         I suppose it's not a bad book in general. It's just not my style; but it might be yours!

Monday, February 20, 2012

Globes and White Houses

Right next to me I have a really old globe. I mean, it still has an east and west Germany. And probably many other things that don't belong. I wouldn't really know because all my geography seems to teach me is the capitals of all the 3rd world countries and something about Mount Kilimanjaro. I just think it's weird that the globe is always changing when the actual earth isn't(other than when Japan moves around).
    And what is up with Iceland? It's freaking half the size of America. I guess I don't look at globes enough(I mean, really, who looks at globes enough :p.....) and it just makes everything seems either (a) really big or (b) really small...... Hmmm..... Strange situation hmmmmm???
     Anyway. Speaking of things on earth, I'm pretty sure I'm going to see the White house this week(why am I only "pretty sure"? Well, because my parents are insane and never plan anything.) I think seeing the White House will be cool. I mean, I would have liked to see it while a President I actually liked was in, but people-who-have-never-been-to-Maryland can't be choosers.

Monday, February 13, 2012

Bella in the Snow

Can you imagine how it would be to see snow for the first time? I can't imagine. I mean, if looking at it still blows me away after living in a place where it's this frikkin cold for 6 months out of the year how would it look to someone who lives in like, Florida? I think they would find it so beautiful.
    That reminds me of Twilight. She(Bella) saw snow for the 1st time and she wasn't impressed with it. That can't be right. I don't think anyone could see snow for the first time and just say, "Oh. It just looks like a cotton ball. Nothing cool about that."
    Come off it Bella!!!!! It's frozen stuff FALLING FROM THE SKY.
Wow!!! More white cottony stuff.....no big deal.

Friday, February 3, 2012

How to Deal?

So lately I've been dealing with death a lot.
Not in the sense that family members or people especially close to me have died. It's just that people connected to me have had people die. And it breaks my heart for them, it scares and confuses me. How would I ever deal with that? And how do you make them feel better? It's not like anyone can have the magic words to make your world go right again. Because the world is seen in a new way, it has taken from you.
     My friend knew this guy who was only 21. He died in his sleep and they don't know what of. I'm not saying she was super close to him, but he was there in her life. She thought he was funny and goofy....and she never expected him to be gone. It's so horrible how the little things like that can make us think....what would we do if we lost a friend? A parent? A sibling or even a neighbor?
     I think death might be the thing I'm most afraid of. Not for myself(well, not that much) but for the people around me. Because I can expect all sorts of bad things in life. They are going to come and knock me down, scar me and change me. But most problems can be fixed. Death can't be "fixed". It's too permanent, like a thorn that constantly aches under your skin.
     Some might say we shouldn't be sad when people die. Some may have been taken from their suffering, it was God's timing...God's plan. Well, yes it was God's plan. That doesn't mean I have to understand it right away, does it? That doesn't mean I  have to jump up and down with joy that a person has been ripped from my life.
      And I'm not yelling at anyone who can accept change and grief like that. I understand that maybe it's better for them. The fact that they have that much courage and faith amazes me. I'm just being honest when I say there is no way I could act like that, and that sometimes I hate death. That it has to happen and screw with so many people. I mean, we are human. We react in human ways.
      With grief, with anger, or solitude, or confusion or fear. What really scares us is that there is no way to avoid death.
       You can hide form a car wreck by not driving, you can keep yourself from getting hurt in a relationship by not dating or numbing yourself to love and emotion. but death is the ultimate force of change. And there is no way to stop change, to keep things the same as you like them.