Saturday, January 28, 2012

The Moon Nation vs. the Squeegee

So lately the presidential campaigns have been getting a lot of attention. Newt G.(because I'm not going to try to spell his last name, I just know it reminds me of the Grinch) has been saying a lot about moving to the moon and making it a state....
Now, I'm no going to call him crazy for talking about this- though it does sound crazy when you first hear it. But then, haven't the "the unimaginable" always been thought crazy by men? The fact that we could even get men to the moon,the telephone,those crazy clothes in the 80's....all of them were incredible to mankind.
But you see,that is exactly the problem. This generation doesn't really care about things like that. These days "inventions" are the newest versions of the apple ipod or that squeegee rag they show on late night commercials.
It might be said that the historical value of making the moon a state would be a draw. But hello! History is in the making everyday as you read the cover of "People". So many teenagers or young adults care more about knowing what the current state of Demi Moore than our country.
America for the most part just wants to know who can give them the most. More money,less taxes...I can't say I know everything or even a lot about political stuff,but I do know the American people want to know they will be taken care of more than the moon.
But no matter what,I'll be voting republican this November,even if it means creating a setting for "The Jetsons". It might be called narrow -minded to not even consider a different party. After all,I am supposed to "become me own person" and "come up with my own opinions". Well. As soon as democrats stop killing babies I'm sure I'll give it some thought. Even then,it probably wouldn't happen. I don't really believe in somewhat-socialism. Socialists always seem to be really crazy and shoot their girlfriends.

1 comment:

  1. after reading Animal Farm I think government sounds scary....(o.0)
