Friday, December 9, 2011

Smitten Book Review

Smitten by:
                   Colleen Coble
                 Kristen Billerbeck
                    Diann Hunt
               and Denise Hunter

"Smitten" by Colleen Coble, Kristen Billerbeck, Diann hunt and denise Hunter is the story of four friends finding love and saving their small hometown of Smitten, Vermont. It was really cool getting to read four different stories all about the same people in the same setting. The characters are introduced as friends, so you get to know them before you read their story. By the time you get to their part of the book, you can guess what they will do.
Since the book is basically four conjoined novellas, I felt that sometimes the back story was crammed in. The story would be progressing normally and suddenly a condensed paragraph about a characters past would be thrown in with too much or too little information. Also, sometimes the issues they were dealing with didn't seem to affect them as much as they should have, and some seemed to be solved overnight.
But I relly did like them a lot. Seeing four different authors work together with their differences and still managing to fit it all together really well was cool. Plus I think because they knew each other's characters so well, you were able to better understand the characters.
Colleen Coble did a great job of not writing one of her normal, "thriller books". You got to see one of her characters not being stalked or afraid of being killed, just happy in life.
Kristin Billerbeck really captured her character Julia's emotions as an uptight, confident-yet-afraid person. Plus she is really funny.
Diann Hunt and Denise Hunter both have lighter, more sentimental writing styles, but just as compelling.
All together the stories come form one very cute, sweet story. The characters are fully known by the end of the book throgh their friendships, dreams and love.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

How Numb Feet and Wifi are Connected

So right now my foot is very very numb. And what is the reason for that? Well, it could be because I was sitting on it for an hour while I watched about 30 videos on Youtube, but I think I have a better person to blame that myself. Well, really two people.
   My parents.
    Why am I blaming my parents? Well, firstly because it was their choice to move out computer into the basement. The basement is underground(of course...we can't have an above-ground basement, that would be weird) and it is very cold down here. Even in the middle of the summer I would have to wear socks or risk my toes falling off, or at leats turining blue-ish.
     Secondly, they decided to put in tile floors. I am talking the stone(are tiles make of stone? I think it might be fake-stone. I really don;t know). The basement floor was made of concrete before, so you'd think it wouldn't make that much of a difference. But it does. The tiles somehow locked in the cold. Since we are still in the middle of making the basement look like a real room and not a set out of one of those horror movies where basements are used only for storage(storage of old , unwanted clothes, and storage of those annoying dead people who for some reason want to kill you) we have no rugs to keep the floor somewhat warm. And little rug(like a floor mat or even a towel) I try to bring down for my feet to be set on will be confisticated by Jasper, our dog. And when Jasper finds something he wants, he will not give it back without trying to bite your hand off. So I just leave that alone.
    (Note: I believe it is  my mother's fault for driving our dog insane. Do I even need a reason to back that up?)
       All of these computer problems could be solved if we could buy a lap top, or  a rug, or move the computer back up to the room across from mine that now has no use except to store unused Barbies and to fold laundry. There are  however problems with this.
      We cannot buy a laptop or all the rugs we would need to make it warm down here because my parents have to buy other things. Like braces for my sister(her teeth were fine I say. They made her look slightly rabbit-like. A cute rabbit look!!) and a new ignition thing for the car..and many other things. Plus my mom refused to even get a computer until I was in 5th grade. She wants me to be just as technology-challenged as I can possibly be.  So I guess that won't happen anytime soon. I could try to save up to buy a laptop, but I figure a car and college should come it would seriously cut into my nail-polish find. And I have to buy a new bottle of nail polish every time we go to Walmart. So that would be a problem.
     And about moving it up to the old room(which would be SO NICE since it's right across from my room and I could be lazy like I want to and just roll out of bed and get on facebook..... The only problem with that is that our wifi barely works. We have had about 10 charter guys out here and they all say they don;t know what is wrong. It just won;t reach the upstairs. I don;t understand this. I mean, my sister can pick up the wifi from the dude at the top of the hill who has all those Rams flags in his yard. Why can't we get it in our own house?
     I will never understand that.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Hunger Games and Other Movies I Can't Wait For

Alright, so I wasn't going to go on and on about this, but I just watched the trailr and it looks soooo amazing!!! When I first read the books(like 3 years ago) I never really thought they'd make it into a movie. They seem to never make the best books into movies. I don't especially like Josh Hutcherson as Peeta....but it'll have to do I guess! Here is the official "Hunger Games" Trailor!

Speaking of actors(in this case actresses)that I don't like being in movies that I REALLY want to see, there is Kristen Stewart in "Snow White and the Huntsman". Now this movie looks really cool, and I like all the special affects, plus thier are huge ravens and that dude from Thor-Chris Hemsworth. So I guess I will have to get over the whole Kristen Stewart thing. hopefully she'll be very quiet in the movie and I won;t have to see her stupid facial expressions. Maybe she'll die like really early on and just be in a glass box. That would be nice....:P

They haven't said when this movie will be coming out yet, just sometime in the Summer of 2012. Can't wait!!
            Kristen Stewart. Looking dead-ish.                             


Alright, I know there are other movies I want to see.
I can't think of them right now, because these are the two that I'm a bit obsessed about. They both look so amazing!!!

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Coversations About Poptarts and Other Annoying Matters

   I wasn't sure what I was going to write about for a few minutes. My sister is singing REALLY loud upstairs, and that might be ok, but it's a song I hate and she keeps singing the same line over and over trying to sound exactly like the singer(which isn't going to happen by the way...) Needless to say, I was having kind of a hard time concentrating.
   Then I started to think of all the things that annoyed me. It is very easy to write about that because tons of thinks annoy me. Yeah, it might be petty and I might be picky and maybe I am supposed to over-look certain things.... but they still annoy me.

    1st. When you order something from Amazon(or any web site) and you're all like yay! I get this new movie...and when you get it it's VERY apparent that they lied and sent you some very very crappy used DVD with ripped cases and discs so scratched it freezes every 2 seconds, when you were exspecting a nice used DVD that you could actually, ya know, watch. This usually wouldn't be something that annoyed me that much, but it just happened the other day. Yes. I so wanted a dvd that looked liek the above

    2cn. Those workers in clothing stores. I'm not talking about the normal ones who find that hook-thing for you to get shirts off the very top hanger(which is always where the shirt I like the most is for some reason...). I'm talking about the ones who stalk you, making you think they think you are goign to steal something. And even though you ARE NOT going to steal something, you start to feel guilty for no reason. And then they ask you 12 times if you need any help. I want to turn aorund and yell,"Does it look like I need any help!! Get away from me!" I mean, it's ok the first couple of times. But then it's like, ok, listen lady(they are usually women...) I know how to walk around a store and stare at things I don't have the money for, thank you very much.

What they act
like you are doing.(which your not.hopefully.)
      What you would be doing. If they weren't such feaks that is..........................


3rd. Boring text conversations. I am not blaming this on the ppl you are texting. Sometimes there is only so much your fingers can say the your like..... sooooo..... i had a pop tart for breakfast....yay for me...
Not the best topic.....unless you are part of the Pop Tart Fan Club(this is a real thing)

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Lonestar Angel

I find I can't figure out how to post a review on Amazon o.0...I will have to figure out how to do that eventaully lol.
    Lonestar Angel Book Review
                  by Colleen Coble
       Lonestar Angel is actually a very emotional book. When it opens, you have no idea what is going on, who the characters are, ay of the back history. She just throws you into the plot, and lets you get to know everyone as you go along, which was a bit confusing actually.
        One thing I liked about the book were the descriptions, it is set in Texas and she makes everything sound amazingly beautiful. Also, all the thoughts and dialog really explain things plainly for you in an easy to under stand way.
       Drama is immidiately in the book as you find out Eden-the main character-is still married to her thought-to-be ex husband Clay, and their daughter Brianna is still alive, though they thought her to be dead after a kidapping attepmt.
           Eden is pulled back into her scarred marriage with Clay, and guilt over loosing Brianna as they follow a clue to a ranch, where they in a group of foster children, Brianna has been hidden for all these years. Although sometimes it doesn't seem like they react the way parents who have gone through loosing a child, or parents who are getting thier child back, would, real love and yearing for their child is shown.
The suspense is actually very good, it's not always the same fear being described, and you don't know the entire time who the "bad guy" is. There are a lot of characters, not just added in to confuse you, but giving the book a depth and reality. Clay and Eden's relationship with the five foster girls is believable, and sweet because they think any of the girls could be their daughter. And Colleen Coble really did capture the innocence and pain in each of these unique children.
Eden and Clay's relationship is a bit unbelievable-not that they don't seem to get along, just the back-story is a bit hazy, and the the way neither of them will talk about anything that matters can be annoying. But eventually their relationship does wrap up nicely. As does the story. The ending is unexpected, and there is that fairy-tale "happy ending" that everyone wants.
Over all it was a pretty good book, a little scary, a little mystery, and lots of love-from God, the five little girl, and of course Eden and Clay. 

Thursday, October 20, 2011

The Was-To-Be-Post and Sandra Bullock

    So there is was, typing my blog on several things (Rihanna, Totoro, hamsters....) when all of a sudden I hit a wrong button, and it goes back, and erases all I had just written. I was so upset, because there were all these cute picture of Totoro...and a hamster. I suppose I could put them on now, but it seems pretty useless....which is not a very nice feeling!
      I guess I should pick a new topic. I am all Rihanna-hamster-Totoro-ed out.
      How about Sandra Bullock? Now there is an actress I like. I would have to say she is my favorite, simply because of Miss Congeniality, and The Blind Side, and the part of The Engagement when she danced around the fire with Betty White. She also seems to me a pretty good actress, being able to play a ditzy/crazy person in All About Steve, and a slightly sarcastic blonde southerner in The Blind Side.                                                           
     Another actress I like is audrey Hepburn, who is no longer alive, but I still love.
She is known for her "grace and charm", but i mostly think of her big eyebrows and somewhat extreme eye make up. Whether sh is playing a usually-drunk girl who has slight gold-digger tendencies  in Breakfast at Tiffany's, or a a childish dreamer in Sabrina, or the daughter to the dude with really huge eyebrows in How to Steal a million I love her!!
Bullock                                                                                                                                            Audrey Hepburn

I'll just put up a few more pics of some of my favorite actresses!

Jennifer Aniston


                                                    Catherine Heigl

                          Blake Lively               

                                                                                                                     Gennifer Goodwin  


Wednesday, October 12, 2011


I am hoping this is what I am supposed to do, being as I know almost nothing about computer...I do know how to copy and paste, which is what they told me to do with this! so here we go, Booksneeze link.

<a href=""><img alt="I review for BookSneeze®" src="" border="0" width="200" height="150"></a>

I wonder how on earth they came up with Booksneeze.....

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Of Mice and Men. The dangerous kind.....

The other day-last Friday to be exact, as in the one from 5 days ago-my friend and I were sitting on some steps inside of our church talking-you know, girl unicorns and lip gloss etc.-when one of the guys runs in from outside, points at a random corner and yells "MOUSE!!"
    Now looking back there is something I should have realized.  He came running from outside, so unless he could see through walls there is no way he could have known that a mouse was there.
     Nevertheless (I'm not sure if I should put all of these together...there is just a band that does it so why shouldn't I?) my friend rushed up a few stairs and started screaming. I stood up and looked over the railing, curious to see if it was cute. There was nothing to be afraid of, I assumed, unless it was a rabid mouse(something I have never heard of..) or could climb steps. I figured I was safe from the later because of the mice in Cinderella. It tokk them FOREVER to get up those steps to Cinderella.
I couldn'f find a picture of them climbing the stairs
But here they are!!
    Now it turned out that it was all a joke. One of those jokes that guys do for no reason and your just like ......? for some reason this caused us to get into a heated discussion concerning what was more dangerous....a mouse biting you, or a man(human doesn't have to be of the male variety).
    Her argument was: 1. mice are filthy and live on the ground and carry disease...and that was it....
    My argument: If some random dude comes up and bites you he is likely INSANE and about to kill you, a VAMPIRE  or a ZOMBIE.

So.You tell me what is more dangerous ;P Sparkly mice or vamp/zombie to my right ;P

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Library Silence

Here I am, sitting in the library typing away. There is no quiet like a library, people talk and drop thing, keys clicks and books scrape softly as they are pulled off the shelves. But everything is still, there is always the reminder that silence is meant to be here.
  But then you look around, and what do you see? Noise. Hundreds, thousands of books filled with words, thoughts, people's emotions. In the book "Ink Spell" each book whispers it's story. Think of all the whispering here.
  So many people have slaved away at these book, creating stories and letting their imagination take them away. And yet these fictions that are likely pieces of thier own lives are left unread and dormant sitting on the shelf. It's kind of upsetting to know that so many people's work will be left unknown and forgotten.
  On a brighter note, I will now people watch and give you my findings.
  There aren't any yound people here right now. They are all...elderly. Most of them are here after a computer class. Learning how to email and such.
   I can't really mock them for that. I only learned to post pictures on facebook this Christmas. I should probably be in a computer class myself, learning how to do things before they get even more advanced and I'm so lost I have to start mailing letter again.
   Speaking of computers and far is all of this going to go? Once upon a time when knowledge was noticed, people learned something new. Inventions were more than the Snuggie or a new generation iPod. People were surprised, excited, amazed at new thing. Nowdays they come so fast and in such common ways, we no longer have awe at anything invented.
    Cars, comuters, lap tops, mp3 players, one time these things would have been unthinkable, now they are the norm. Looking back at the Jetsons, we see almost everything we have in modern life. Other than the flying cars and living in outer space. We see Skype, 3D, and many other advances once thought to be out of our reach.
     Maybe we'll have flying cars. It would just be like a mini plane...

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

About Writing

       Writing. It's something I have done when I was bored since I was very young. The earliest time I can remember actually writing something that wasn't in crayon or about ballerinas was when I was 9. And even that was just me copying the plot of "The Little House on the Prarie" books I liked so much. Since that age, I have been writing all the time.
         Maybe it's just because I'm at home all the time and have scads of free time considering I'm homeschooled and I'm too lazy to go out and get a job. Maybe once I don't have so much free time I won't want to, or won't be able to, scribble down bits of stories. But I hope I still do.
        Therefore I think for now I am a diarist. I write for pleasure, and I write a lot. Someday I'd like to be an artist. I'd like to spend lots of time alone planning out a novel, getting to know characters I've made up, learning to type really fast so I can actually get something done with these ideas.
         Hopefully this doesn't sound too dark. I wouldn't want anyone to get a picture in their head of me slaving over a computer talking to my made up "imaginary friends". Because I promise you, I never talk to them. And the most "slaving away" on a computer I have ever done was trying to upload pictures while the computer kept crashing.
          I have no idea what I will write about on this blog. I will probably pick out some purpose, and then I will realize I have nothing to say about it. So then it will just  be me rambling on about whatever happens to be interesting to me at the moment.
         So I might tell you about the weather, or how my toes are freezing, or how i have absolutely no idea what to say. Since I love movies I might start giving my opinions on those. I guess we'll see where my mind wonders.