Thursday, November 17, 2011

Hunger Games and Other Movies I Can't Wait For

Alright, so I wasn't going to go on and on about this, but I just watched the trailr and it looks soooo amazing!!! When I first read the books(like 3 years ago) I never really thought they'd make it into a movie. They seem to never make the best books into movies. I don't especially like Josh Hutcherson as Peeta....but it'll have to do I guess! Here is the official "Hunger Games" Trailor!

Speaking of actors(in this case actresses)that I don't like being in movies that I REALLY want to see, there is Kristen Stewart in "Snow White and the Huntsman". Now this movie looks really cool, and I like all the special affects, plus thier are huge ravens and that dude from Thor-Chris Hemsworth. So I guess I will have to get over the whole Kristen Stewart thing. hopefully she'll be very quiet in the movie and I won;t have to see her stupid facial expressions. Maybe she'll die like really early on and just be in a glass box. That would be nice....:P

They haven't said when this movie will be coming out yet, just sometime in the Summer of 2012. Can't wait!!
            Kristen Stewart. Looking dead-ish.                             


Alright, I know there are other movies I want to see.
I can't think of them right now, because these are the two that I'm a bit obsessed about. They both look so amazing!!!


  1. Hunger Games is going to be a great movie i liked all three books so this will be really cool to watch

  2. First time I've seen the Hunger Games trailer. Oh deerlord it looks beautiful. Good post!
    Snow White and the Huntsman looks pretty good! I might go see it!

  3. If the movie is decent we may need to make Hunger Games a field trip.
