Thursday, October 6, 2011

Of Mice and Men. The dangerous kind.....

The other day-last Friday to be exact, as in the one from 5 days ago-my friend and I were sitting on some steps inside of our church talking-you know, girl unicorns and lip gloss etc.-when one of the guys runs in from outside, points at a random corner and yells "MOUSE!!"
    Now looking back there is something I should have realized.  He came running from outside, so unless he could see through walls there is no way he could have known that a mouse was there.
     Nevertheless (I'm not sure if I should put all of these together...there is just a band that does it so why shouldn't I?) my friend rushed up a few stairs and started screaming. I stood up and looked over the railing, curious to see if it was cute. There was nothing to be afraid of, I assumed, unless it was a rabid mouse(something I have never heard of..) or could climb steps. I figured I was safe from the later because of the mice in Cinderella. It tokk them FOREVER to get up those steps to Cinderella.
I couldn'f find a picture of them climbing the stairs
But here they are!!
    Now it turned out that it was all a joke. One of those jokes that guys do for no reason and your just like ......? for some reason this caused us to get into a heated discussion concerning what was more dangerous....a mouse biting you, or a man(human doesn't have to be of the male variety).
    Her argument was: 1. mice are filthy and live on the ground and carry disease...and that was it....
    My argument: If some random dude comes up and bites you he is likely INSANE and about to kill you, a VAMPIRE  or a ZOMBIE.

So.You tell me what is more dangerous ;P Sparkly mice or vamp/zombie to my right ;P


  1. I would much rather meet the mice then the man! Of course if the mice I meet could sew as well as Cindy's did well I'd hire them on the spot!

  2. Can i choose a third option? If so, ladybugs.Those things are evil.
