Sunday, May 20, 2012

Why Comfort Food and Romance Movies are Needed

This may seem random now, but just wait.
I never wanted to be one of those girls who went on and on about how guys are horrible. I can't say that's what I really think-they can't all be horrible. And yet none of them are going to be perfect either. I don't expect them to be, but couldn't we at least expect them to treat us like we are human? Because some guys just won't accept the fact that they should at least be POLITE to the girls they apparently "like"(and yes, that is the oh-so-poetic phrasing they come up with for their feelings), I feel like I just have to rant a bit. And what I'm talking about isn't even just what has happened to me, it's stories I've heard(or seen) from girls around me.
   Why is it that a guy can't understand that you can't claim to love one girl, and like another. If you love someone, you shouldn't need another girl to take up your spare time. A girl will feel betrayed by this; why isn't she enough to love? Why is it that you can't stay committed? A guy may say that it's not big deal, that he can have feelings for two girls at the same time. But the truth is, if a guy can like a girl while he says he loves you, it shows that he won't stay with only you, that his feelings aren't very deep, and he'll screw around on you.
   Also, how come it seems that guys move on so easy? Maybe they don't; but they sure know how to fake it. You can feel so close to a guy, really become his friend, and then they suddenly drop you... and how is a girl supposed to just turn off all the caring she felt? Forget that she ever listened to him for hours, would have listened to him for even more.
   This is why girls need chocolate. And many, many hours watching Kate Winslet in Titanic- if you're feeling in a particularly bad mood and just want everyone to die- or- if your in a slightly better mood- "Sense and Sensibility". Then, after feeling like you've had enough chcocolate to last a lifetime(even though we all know, we will end up having more) and crying/ sqealing over sappy movies, we can move onto better things. Like watching the Hunger Games just to get a good look at Josh Hutcherson's god-like jaw line.

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